Megan Averill

Scientific Program Leader

Megan has a BA in Environmental Science from the University of Pennsylvania and completed post-graduate courses via Wake Forest University, Duke University, and University of London SOAS.

Her expertise includes global health and international development, emerging infectious disease policy and legal issues, and program management.

Megan worked for DHVI from 2020-2023 and co-chaired the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Something that excited her about working at DHVI was the people! She loved the diversity of backgrounds, interests, experiences, and expertise across the Moody lab team.

Prior to being a program manager at DHVI, Megan was a technical officer and advisor for global health programs from 2008-2019, and served as program coordinator for the Southeast Regional Center of Excellence for Emerging Infections and Biodefence - Policy, Ethics, and Law Core (learn more about SERCEB PEL here!) from 2003-2008.

Megan loves animals of all types, being outside in nature, authentic local cuisines, and Leffe beer!